Yes, this stale, but since no one blogged about the designer, I decided I will write about it. No kissing of a**es, but this dress was made by one of my favorite designers in Nigeria (If not my fave sef)! Yup! You guessed right, it was designed by the ever iconic Iconic Invanity.
The dress would have been all right, no wrong, if Ms Genie hadn't wrecked the design with that neckpiece of hers; absoultely unnecessary (especially with the long hair), she totally took away from the gorgeous design of the dress!
A similar design was worn by Rita Dominic to the Nollywood Movie Awards, where she was a winner in all ramifications, see below and on the right hand side is the exact version of the dress Genevieve wore on a model.

I hate all the dresses! I love Iconic Invanity but I hate these particular pieces.